What Are Some Of The Alternatives To Help You Quit Smoking
Released on = August 24, 2006, 11:28 am
Press Release Author = Tony James
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = People who are trying to go through the process of quit smoking try different methods to quit. Methods vary according to different type of people.
Press Release Body = People who are trying to go through the process of quit smoking try different methods to quit. Methods vary according to different type of people. Some may just quit on the mere willpower alone. Some would turn to God. I know a friend's father who just decide to stop smoking and as though with a snap of a finger, stopped for good. However, there are some people who needs various support such as programs or a social group for encouragement. Other would try nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine gum, patches or nasal spray. As the medical field advances and cultures and more and more known, there are other types of alternatives to quit smoking. Acupuncture is one of the alternative method which is originated from China. It is recently accepted in modern western medicine as a proved treatment. The acupuncture treatment practices by inserting thin needles into certain points of your body. It is believe this type of treatment can restore physical health and also mental health. Many patients who have undergone the acupuncture treatment approves of it's positive result, thus being an effective resource and tool to help smokers to throw away the habit forever. Cigarette addiction is also a very large part of mental and psychological addiction. Therefore, another alternative method that smokers try to quit is to go for hypnosis therapy. It is important for one to know what hypnosis does rather than to treat it like a magic and automatic tool. Hypnosis works by applying the principle of auto-suggestion to a person's mind. Messages such as recordings are played to convince a person that either he or she would not feel the cravings anymore and would not depend on cigarettes. Despite these methods and there levels of success, however, it is important to note that the key ingredient when it comes to smoking cessation is will power. No matter which other method you choose to assist you in ending the cravings and lessening the physical symptoms of withdrawal, sooner or later it is going to come down to your ability to say no to a cigarette that will ensure the end of the habit\'s hold on your life. Although these alternatives are available, it is crucial to keep in mind that you can only quit if you really want to quit. Your mental readiness and willpower must be above or else. If you are not sure whether you want to quit or not, I suggest you not to quit because you will definitely fail. You if you really want to quit smoking. Go for it all the way! Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
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Web Site = http://www.easyquitsmokingsecrets.com/What-Are-Some-Of-The-Alternatives-To-Help-You-Quit-Smoking.html
Contact Details = Tony James, tonyarticles@gmail.com
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